Five Important Life Lessons That Can Be Learned From “The Outsiders”


Loyalty is a lesson or trait that is depicted from the onset of the movie until the very end of the movie. The different social groups or gangs are extremely loyal to one another throughout the movie. Generally, this is a great attribute someone can have, but it can be a fault if the loyalty allows you to follow or go down the wrong path. We have all seen this happen in life and in the world with different groups of people. There is a scene late in the movie when the two gangs are getting ready for a big fight or a rumble as they call it. The two leaders of the two gangs or social classes, who were friends and played football together when they were younger, meet and shake hands before the fight. They agree to battle each other and remain steadfast and loyal to their gang. This is just one small example of loyalty. There are many other examples throughout the movie.


Friendships can begin in interesting ways. People come from all different backgrounds and walks of life just as they do in the movie, but somehow find meaning or connections with one another. Pony Boy Curtis was a true friend. He was a friend to others even if they did not truly understand him. He stayed late in the lot that night while Johnny cried to him about wanting to get away from the city and all the hate between the Greaser and Socials. After Johnny accidentally killed a Soc, Pony ran away with his friend so he would not be alone. He read to him and eventually came to see him at the hospital following the accident at the church. He was a friend to Johnny no matter what. He was a friend to Cherry Valance and even Randy, who almost killed him. Both people were Soc’s. Pony realized that although they were from different parts of town, “they all saw the same sunset.” He basically tells us that you should always be a friend to others. You never know who might need it.

Staying True to Oneself

One of the most renowned lines in “The Outsiders” is of course “Stay Gold.” People all have their own depiction of what this phrase means. After Pony Boy reads the Robert Frost poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” it could make someone think it is discouraging or sad. A person may think they can always be young and free, but you really can’t. Johnny knew that Pony was different and that he truly could be better than others based on his heart and how smart he was. You just must be true to yourself. Being gold is staying true to oneself and continuing to be good and show the good in all that you do. Johnny, Pony Boy, and Dallas, go from being labelled as criminals to heroes in a matter of days. They knew saving those children was the right thing to do. They stayed true to what was right and to themselves.

The Importance of Family

There is an old saying that blood is thicker than water. This movie clearly shows why you should always put family first. Darryl, or Darry, is the father figure to Pony and his brother Soda Pop after their parents are killed in an accident when they are children. Darryl always tells both that you can always count on family. Early in the movie, Pony Boy falls asleep in an empty lot and comes home late. Darry had been pacing the floor. Although he is very angry and tells Pony that social services could take him away, they eventually make up and Pony begins to understand the importance of this family bond.


Courage is shown all throughout the movie. It takes great strength to stand up against one’s enemies, but an even greater strength to stand up against your friends. Johnny Cade and Pony Boy Curtis go to a movie with the infamous Dallas Winston. Dally is making snide and disrespectful remarks to Cherry Valance, who is a Soc. Even though Johnny is young and shy, he does the unexpected and stands up to Dally telling him to “leave her alone.” He knows it is not right and he musters up the courage to put a stop to it. Sometimes doing what is right takes courage. Johnny and Pony also exemplify tremendous courage when they enter a burning church to save a bunch of children.

The “life lessons” that can be taken away from this movie are all extremely valuable and important in so many ways. Each of these lessons are equally as important as the next. In all honesty, there is a simple phrase to summarize loyalty, friendship, staying true to oneself, family first, and courage. We all need to simply “Stay Gold” in all we do!

Although the movie is supposed to be set in the 1960’s, the lessons and symbolism shown throughout “The Outsiders” could easily be shown or replicated in today’s time. There are still racial issues in the world, just as there are gang or different socioeconomic groups in the movie. The Greasers or the east side of town represent lack of opportunity and the folks that don’t get the breaks versus the Socials or “Soc’s” from the west side who have all the money and get all the breaks or opportunities.

The “Outsiders” has multiple iconic scenes and quotes throughout the movie, but there are also five important life lessons in the movie and many different examples of some of these lessons. Loyalty, friendship, staying true to oneself, family first, and courage are five lessons or traits that come to life throughout the movie.


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